NSA: Truth Commission Documents 25 Years of State Violence During Mexican Dirty WarNSA:

By Kate Doyle and Claire Dorfman

Human Rights Abuses in Mexico “Systematic and Widespread”; “Not the Work of a Few ‘Bad Apples’” – Truth Commission Recommends Declassification of U.S. Dirty War Records

Mexico City, Mexico, August 19, 2024 – From 1965 to 1990, the Mexican State was responsible for “systematic and widespread” human rights abuses “against broad sectors of the population,” according to the recently published report of a truth commission on Mexico’s dirty war.

On Friday, August 16, after nearly three years of investigation, the Commission for Access to Truth, Historical Clarification and the Promotion of Justice for Grave Human Rights Violations committed between 1965 and 1990 (COVEHJ in Spanish) presented Fue el Estado (1965-1990), the first of two planned reports on the 25-year dirty war period. Commissioners Abel Barrera Hernández, David Fernández Dávalos, and Carlos A. Pérez Ricart revealed their findings at the Centro Cultural Universitario Tlatelolco in Mexico City.

The commissioners accused the Mexican State of unleashing a violent counterinsurgency campaign against perceived opponents—not only armed guerrillas, but a range of dissident groups the government believed threatened the political, economic, and moral stability of Mexico’s ruling party. During their presentation, the commissioners were accompanied on stage by human rights defenders and activists, who read excerpts from some of the 1,079 testimonies given by survivors during the commission’s investigations (…)

Para seguir leyendo: https://nsarchive.gwu.edu/news/mexico/2024-08-19/truth-commission-documents-25-years-state-violence-during-mexican-dirty-war?eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=b8ec8cc1-bdba-4e64-874f-548c7d50ce9c

Mexico Project: https://nsarchive.gwu.edu/project/mexico-project


“There is Future if There is Truth”: Colombia’s Truth Commission Launches Final Report


In Fusagasugá, the mural “The Embrace of Truth” memorializes those killed during the conflict. (Source: Colombia Truth Commission)

Declassified U.S. Evidence Fortifies Truth Commission’s Findings and Recommendations

Briefing Book #

Edited by Michael Evans

Bogotá, 28 June 2022 – Today, Colombia’s Truth Commission wraps up three-and-a-half years of work with the launch of its report on the causes and consequences of Colombia’s conflict. The publication of the Commission’s findings and recommendations is an important step forward in guaranteeing the rights of victims and of Colombian society to know the truth about what happened, to build a foundation for coexistence among Colombians, and to ensure that such a conflict is never repeated.

The Commission for Clarification of the Truth, Coexistence and Non-Repetition (CEV) was established as a direct result of the 2016 peace accords reached between the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), the country’s largest rebel group.

The Commission’s report makes sweeping recommendations about the role of Colombia’s security forces, denouncing the concept of the “internal enemy” and the systematic victimization of Colombia’s political left. The report also condemns decades of punitive counternarcotics programs pushed and backed by the U.S. and that the Commission says aggravated the conflict. The report is especially critical of Plan Colombia, the multibillion-dollar U.S. aid package that radically transformed the U.S. role in the conflict from one nominally limited to counternarcotics activities to one in which U.S. assistance and personnel were involved in a wide array of sensitive counterinsurgency missions. These included the protection of Colombia’s energy sector, the training and equipping of specialized military and police units, and highly sensitive operations to capture and kill leaders of insurgent, paramilitary and narcotrafficking groups.

Records consulted by the Commission illustrate how the Plan Colombia period corresponded with a general escalation in Colombia’s internal conflict, the weakening of the FARC’s position on the battlefield, the demobilization of thousands of paramilitary members, and the extradition of hundreds of alleged narcotraffickers under President Álvaro Uribe. These outcomes coincided with an escalation in human rights violations and abuses of power, including the murder by the Colombian Armed Forces of some 6,400 civilians from 2002-2008, during the height of the so-called “false positives” scandal, and the illegal surveillance of perceived political enemies by the DAS civilian intelligence service (…)

Para seguir leyendo: https://nsarchive.gwu.edu/briefing-book/colombia/2022-06-28/there-future-if-there-truth-colombias-truth-commission-launches?eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=dcccb233-01b7-4689-89f5-97bcd349f18e


Ayotzinapa Investigations

Tribute to the Ayotzinapa 43+, original digital collages by Jan Nimmo.
National Security Archives


Ayotzinapa Investigations is a special page dedicated to the work of the National Security Archive and others in documenting and seeking justice for the 43 disappeared students of the Ayotzinapa Rural Teachers College. The National Security Archive advocates for the declassification of documentary evidence in fighting impunity amidst the unprecedented crisis of forced disappearances in Mexico. 

On the night of September 26 and in the early morning of September 27, 2014, a group of students was attacked by local police in the town of Iguala, Guerrero. The night left six people dead, dozens injured, and 43 students forcibly disappeared. The violence committed against the unarmed young men by the police in collusion with the drug cartel Guerreros Unidos sparked mass protests throughout the country. 

Then-President Enrique Peña Nieto opened an investigation that would prove deeply inadequate and ultimately fraudulent. Domestic and international criticism over the official investigation led the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights to sponsor a group of independent, international experts (GIEI) who arrived in Mexico in March of 2015 to work on the case. The GIEI’s efforts throughout 2015 and 2016 revealed the Mexican government’s falsification of records, destruction of evidence, and systematic use of torture against detainees and suspects throughout the official investigation (…)

Para seguir leyendo: https://nsarchive.gwu.edu/special-exhibit/ayotzinapa-investigations?eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=7f0ce6d9-9849-4210-854e-6e578c2a623f



“After Ayotzinapa” Podcast Investigates Horrific Mexican Atrocity

Original digital collage by Jan Nimmo, Yo, Jan Nimmo, Glasgow, Escocia, quiero saber dónde está Benjamín Ascencio Bautista

New Podcast Explores the Pursuit of Justice for 43 Disappeared StudentsNational Security Archive partners with Reveal News to investigate 2014 mass disappearance in Mexico – and the ongoing struggle for truth and accountability in the Ayotzinapa tragedy Mexican prosecutor fights to break the “pact of silence” that prolonged cover-up of the atrocity Ayotzinapa students became collateral damage in Mexican drug wars

Washington, D.C., January 10, 2022—On Saturday, January 15, a new podcast exploring the shocking case of 43 Mexican students disappeared by security forces in 2014 will launch on radio stations around the United States and on podcast platforms. The three-part serial is the result of a two-year collaboration between the National Security Archive and Reveal News from the Center for Investigative Reporting.

Although the stark facts of the Ayotzinapa case are known worldwide, the podcast features interviews, insights, and investigative findings that have never before been heard. They include:

  • Testimonies recorded weeks after the attacks with Ayotzinapa students who survived.
  • Eye-witness accounts of how the government of President Enrique Peña Nieto sabotaged its own investigation and, for years, deliberately obstructed justice.
  • Extensive interviews and audio-diaries from Omar Gómez Trejo, the special prosecutor who took office in 2019 and has been tasked with solving the case, locating the missing students, and investigating his predecessors as he and his team uncover proof of a massive cover-up.
  • A revealing interview with a retired DEA officer who supervised a year-long investigation into a Mexican drug trafficking ring in Chicago – and was the first to make the connection between his case and the students’ disappearance.
  • Never-before heard testimony from a former suspect in the Ayotzinapa case who was tortured by the military and police, forced to sign a false confession, imprisoned for five years without trial, and freed only after a videotape of his torture appeared anonymously on YouTube.
  • The story of one mother, two daughters, and their relentless search for their beloved son and brother, Benjamín Ascencio Bautista.


On September 26, 2014, police attacked a group of college students as they rode on buses through the town of Iguala in southwestern Mexico; they blocked the buses from moving forward, then they opened fire. For hours, federal security forces and soldiers from a nearby base circulated in and around the chaotic scenes of violence, but never stopped to intervene. The long, harrowing night left six people dead. The police detained 43 of the students and piled them into the backs of their trucks. The young men were never seen again (…)

Para seguir leyendo: https://nsarchive.gwu.edu/news/mexico/2022-01-10/after-ayotzinapa-podcast-investigates-horrific-mexican-atrocity

Reseña: Marina Franco, El final del silencio. Dictadura, sociedad y derechos humanos en la transición (Argentina, 1979-1983) (Buenos Aires, FCE, 2018)

Auteure de nombreux travaux consacrés à l’histoire récente du Cône sud et tout particulièrement de Un enemigo para la nación. Orden interno, violencia y subversión 1973-1976 (également publié au FCE en 2012), Marina Franco ne se contente pas avec ce nouvel ouvrage de débroussailler un champ de recherche sujet à maints débats car centré sur un passé récent, qui ne « passe pas » toujours. Elle poursuit ici une réflexion sur les conditions de la sortie de dictature, du retour à la démocratie et du modèle transitionnel adopté dans le cas de l’Argentine, en liaison avec la question persistante des droits humains dont les échos persistent dans le temps présent. Mères de la Place de Mai, bébés volés devenus des adultes recherchant leurs parents, souvent des militants assassinés par la dictature, centres d’emprisonnement et de torture transformés en musées ou mémoriaux, l’histoire du temps présent argentin et plus généralement des dictatures du Cône sud renvoie indéniablement à ce que l’auteur qualifie, sous forme de questionnement ouvert, de « culture des droits humains ». La seule mention des archives utilisées, ainsi du ministère de la Défense et de sa « direction des droits humains » (sic) atteste de l’intérêt porté à ce passé récent, douloureusement inscrit dans les mémoires, à ses victimes et à ses formes de justice et de réparation. D’autres images contribuent de fait à ce déplacement de focale. Comme en attestent les véritables « récits mémoriels » que constituent les images, la guerre des Malouines elle-même (1983) passe en effet à un second plan face à la rupture constitutionnelle et politique du 10 décembre 1983. Cette date signe en effet la fin de la dictature, la reconnaissance des luttes pour les droits humains et le triomphe d’Alfonsín. D’autres aspects furent, en revanche, oubliés voire durablement occultés en cette sortie de dictature, que cet ouvrage vise précisément à (re)mettre en lumière (…)

Para seguir leyendo: https://journals.openedition.org/caravelle/6146

Imminent Threat to Guatemala’s Historical Archive of the National Police

Published: May 30, 2019 – Update for Guatemala Police Archive under Threat posting

Morales Government Tightens Grip on Massive Human Rights Records Trove 

Washington, D.C., May 30, 2019– The National Security Archive joins our international and Guatemalan colleagues in calling for the protection of the Historical Archive of the National Police (AHPN) of Guatemala, which faces new threats to its independence and to public access to its holdings.

In a press conference on Monday, May 27, Interior Minister Enrique Degenhart signaled his intent to assert his agency’s control of the AHPN including the prospect of new restrictions on access to the archived police records and possible legal action against “foreign institutions” holding digitized copies of the documents. Degenhart made his statements as a crucial deadline approached to renew an agreement that for a decade has kept the archive under the authority of the Ministry of Culture and Sports. The agreement now appears to be in jeopardy.

The hollowing out of the AHPN is taking place at a time when justice and human rights initiatives are broadly under siege in Guatemala and follows months of uncertainty for the celebrated human rights archive, which has been institutionally adrift since its long-time director, Gustavo Meoño Brenner, was abruptly dismissed in August 2018.

Since its discovery in 2005, the AHPN has played a central role in Guatemala’s attempts to reckon with its bloody past. Its records of more than a century of the history of the former National Police have been relied upon by families of the disappeared, scholars, and prosecutors.  The institution has become a model across Latin America and around the world for the rescue and preservation of vital historical records (…)

Para seguir leyendo: https://nsarchive.gwu.edu/news/guatemala/2019-05-30/imminent-threat-guatemalas-historical-archive-national-police-ahpn

Trump Administration Turns Over Massive Collection of Intelligence Records on Human Rights and Argentina

National Security Archive : Apr 12, 2019 Briefing Book #669 – Edited by Carlos Osorio and Peter Kornbluh

47,000 Pages of CIA, FBI, NSC, DOD and State Dept. Records Touted as “Largest” Government-to-Government Transfer of Declassified Documentation

Documents Spotlight Buenos Aires Base for International Death Squad Operations sponsored by Condor States; Record Ruthless Repression by Argentine Security Forces during Military Dictatorship, 1976-1983

National Security Archive Commends Completion of U.S. Government’s Special Argentina Project as ‘Model of Declassification Diplomacy’ and Major Contribution to the Cause of Human Rights and History

Washington D.C., April 12, 2019 –In late May 1976, the secret police chieftains of six Southern Cone military regimes gathered at a clandestine summit in Santiago, Chile, to create a “new unit, which was given the code name ‘Teseo,’”—a reference to Theseus, the mythical Greek King of the Athenians and heroic slayer of the Minotaur, among other enemies. The mission of “Teseo” was to “conduct physical attacks against subversive targets” abroad, particularly militant Latin American leftists in Europe, according to formerly secret CIA intelligence reports turned over today to Argentina by the U.S. government, and posted for the first time by the nongovernmental National Security Archive.

The “Teseo” program represented a new initiative under “Operation Condor”–the clandestine collaboration of Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, and Brazil to strike at their opposition in the Southern Cone and beyond.  At the time, the CIA also managed to obtain the “text of the agreement by Condor countries regulating their operations against subversive targets”—a comprehensive planning paper on financing, staffing, logistics, training, and selection of targets that reveals both the banal and dramatic details of organizing and implementing Condor’s “Teseo” death squad operations. The “Teseo” operations base would be located “at Condor 1 (Argentina).”  


Para seguir leyendo: https://nsarchive.gwu.edu/briefing-book/southern-cone/2019-04-12/trump-administration-turns-over-massive-collection-intelligence-records-human-rights-argentina

Prelude to Iguala: “Heavy-handed police tactics” used against Ayotzinapa students in 2011

U.S. Ambassador Wayne said state was “blaming victims” and “denying any responsibility
National Security Archive News Alert
Edited by Michael Evans
Posted – October 7, 2015

Washington, DC, October 7, 2015 – U.S. Ambassador to Mexico Earl Anthony Wayne said that “evidence of heavy-handed police tactics” was “strong and disconcerting” after a 2011 clash with student protestors from Ayotzinapa normal school left two youths and a gas station employee dead and several others wounded, according to a declassified cable from the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City.

Authorities in the Mexican state of Guerrero “reacted defensively and insensitively by blaming the victims and denying any responsibility” for their part in what the Embassy cable called a “chaotic student protest” in which “both police and protestors resorted to violent tactics.”

The newly-declassified cable was obtained by the National Security Archive under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act and was the focus of an article published today by the award-winning team of investigative journalists at Mexico’s Aristegui Noticias.

The deadly 2011 incident against students from the Raúl Isidro Burgos Normal School in Ayotzinapa came less than three years before 43 students from the university were disappeared and six others were killed after being detained by police forces in Iguala, Guerrero on the night of September 25-26, 2014. More than a year later, the federal government’s theory about what happened that night lies in ruins, and the families of the victims are no closer to knowing the fates of their loved ones.

Last month, a group of independent investigators invited by the Mexican government and appointed by the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights of the Organization of American States rejected the government’s version of the 2014 case, which held that a cabal of local politicians, municipal police forces and members of a drug gang had kidnapped and killed the students before burning the bodies at a garbage dump. The group of experts said the government lacked physical evidence connecting the alleged perpetrators to the case, that security forces had tortured many of the witnesses, and that a fire in which the government claims the bodies were burned could not have happened.



Argentina: los archivos de la dictadura en línea

Capture d’écran 2014-03-23 à 10.00.40El 21 de marzo, ll Gobierno argentino (ministerio de Defensa) lanzó la plataforma virtual archivosabiertos.com, donde se alojarán las digitalizaciones de todos los archivos secretos de la última dictadura (1976-1983) hallados en un edificio de la Fuerza Aérea el pasado noviembre.
La documentación comprende las actas de las juntas militares y las listas negras de intelectuales y artistas calificados como “peligrosos” por el régimen. Se podrá consultar de forma gratuita a través de la red mientras que los originales serán conservados en la Biblioteca Aeronáutica de la capital argentina (información Efe). El material digitalizado forma parte de las 1.500 carpetas de documentos encontradas en el subsuelo del Edificio Cóndor (Buenos Aires) por un empleado de mantenimiento el pasado 4 de noviembre.
El lanzamiento de este sitio web forma parte de las actividades de reivindicación de la memoria programadas con motivo del 38 aniversario del golpe de estado en Argentina, ocurrido el 24 de marzo de 1976.

“El Ministerio de Defensa reafirma su compromiso de apertura y accesibilidad de los archivos de las Fuerzas Armadas, estableciendo como eje transversal la política de estado de Memoria, Verdad y Justicia. Por ello, desde la Dirección Nacional de Derechos Humanos y Derecho Internacional Humanitario se crearon equipos de relevamiento y análisis de la documentación de interés histórico y/o judicial obrante en los archivos de las Fuerzas Armadas y se impulsó el Programa de Modernización del Sistema de Archivos del Área de la Defensa.

En este marco, se produjo el hallazgo de documentación correspondiente al periodo de la última dictadura militar en el subsuelo del Edificio Cóndor. Dicha documentación fue inventariada, relevada, conservada y digitalizada con el objeto de ser puesta a la consulta pública.”

The University of Texas at Austin – Documentos Digitalizados del Archivo Histórico de la Policía Nacional de Guatemala


A product of broad international collaboration, these digitized documents from the Guatemalan National Police Historical Archive (AHPN) aim to facilitate scholarly and legal research into a vast cache of historical documentation. The discovery of the National Police Historical Archive in 2005 opened an extensive and timely resource for the study of Guatemalan history and human rights in the region, spanning a broad array of topics from Guatemala’s armed conflict between 1960 and 1996 to the sexually transmitted disease experiments performed at the behest of the United States government in the 1940s. The Archive is presented online here for the first time.

This site currently includes over 10 million scanned images of documents from the National Police Historical Archive. This digital archive mirrors and extends the physical archive that remains preserved in Guatemala as an important historical patrimony of the Guatemalan people.

To make best use of this resource, we suggest taking some time to read the tutorial and examples found on the About this Site page, learning the organizational structure of the National Police, and then patiently exploring the archive. This is not a full text search engine like Google, but rather the digital iteration of what you would encounter working in the massive paper archive in Guatemala. When you go to an archive, you will seldom find the exact document you are looking for right away. It will often take many hours of investigation to find relevant documents, if they exist at all. This Archive is arranged in accordance with the professional archival principles of provenance and original order to reflect the Guatemalan National Police administrative structure, and understanding that structure is a valuable way to start.

AHPN: Digitized Documents is a collaborative project of the University of Texas’ Lozano Long Institute for Latin American Studies, Rapoport Center for Human Rights and Justice, and Benson Latin American Collection, with the Archivo Histórico de la Policía Nacional de Guatemala. We hope this resource will serve to promote a better understanding of the social and political history of Guatemala and will facilitate the search for truth and respect for human rights in the region.


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