This searchable collection of 1,275 images continues to be revised and
corrected on a regular basis. Since the last up-date report in August
2007, corrections and modifications have been made to already existing
entries, but new images have been added, particularly on the U.S. South
and West Africa in the nineteenth century. The latter include 22
unique, unpublished drawings and watercolors of social life,
settlements, and material culture along West African coastal areas,
particularly Liberia and what is today Equatorial Guinea (Corisco
Island). These materials are held by the Department of Special
Collections of the University of Virginia Library
Voyages Database
The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database comprises nearly 35,000 individual slaving expeditions between 1514 and 1866. Records of the voyages have been found in archives and libraries throughout the Atlantic world. They provide information about vessels, enslaved peoples, slave traders and owners, and trading routes. A variable (Source) cites the records for each voyage in the database. Other variables enable users to search for information about a particular voyage or group of voyages. The website provides full interactive capability to analyze the data and report results in the form of statistical tables, graphs, maps, or on a timeline.
Accueil – AFRODESC – Afrodescendants et esclavages
Texto del proyecto y publicaciones del programa de investigación "Afrodescendientes y esclavitudes": "La trata y la esclavitud fueron, desde su origen, fenómenos globalizados. El objetivo del proyecto es dar cuenta de esta dimensión global de las dinámicas sociales estudiadas (ahora calificadas con los términos de “diáspora”, “Black Atlantic”, “circulaciones transnacionales”), efectuando investigaciones en terrenos localizados, que serán a su vez confrontadas entre sí y situadas en un marco más amplio".
The Public Archive | history beyond the headlines
Given the incredible loss of life as a result of the January 12, 2010 earthquake in the Republic of Haiti, it may appear frivolous to turn to history – but history, too, has been a casualty of this disaster. In the reporting on the earthquake and the relief operations, Haiti’s history has been contorted by cliché, smudged by misrepresentation, or not represented at all. The country and its citizens have been rendered history-less, and its historic significance in the region and the world made invisible.
Atlantic African Diaspora Research Guide « African Diaspora, Ph.D.
This research guide will provide students an introduction to the primary, secondary and reference material available on the study of the Atlantic African diaspora. It will also provide an introduction to the principal scholars, texts, schools, methodologies, and subjects of the field. It will finish with several considerations on the trajectory of the field of Atlantic African diaspora study
The Digital Library on American Slavery
The Digital Library on American Slavery offers data on race and slavery extracted from eighteenth and nineteenth-century documents and processed over a period of eighteen years. The Digital Library contains detailed information on about 150,000 individuals, including slaves, free people of color, and whites. These data have been painstakingly extracted from 2,975 legislative petitions and 14,512 county court petitions, and from a wide range of related documents, including wills, inventories, deeds, bills of sale, depositions, court proceedings, amended petitions, among others. Buried in these documents are the names and other data on roughly 80,000 individual slaves, 8,000 free people of color, and 62,000 whites, both slave owners and non-slave owners.
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