THE DUTCH IN THE CARIBBEAN WORLD, C. 1670-C. 1870 This project offers a research tool in two parts: a) a guide to archival sources on the Dutch colonies in the Caribbean World and b) a summary of the relevant laws and regulations of the period.

Capture d’écran 2013-08-03 à 11.29.26After experiencing many wars, the Dutch possessions in the West Indies entered a much more quiet period from the 1670s onwards. In the Caribbean the Dutch possessions concerned a few islands of the Antilles (Curaçao, Aruba, Bonaire, St. Martin, St. Eustatius and Saba) and some of the great estuaries on the Wild Coast, including the rivers nearby (Suriname, Berbice, Essequibo and Demerara). Within these colonies a whole social fabric of multicultural relations took shape. The society became rather stratified, and social status became defined by clear conventions about class, colour and religion. The phenomenon of slavery played a central role in this formation. Slavery itself was not abolished until 1863, but under government supervision the former slaves in Suriname still had to carry out paid work on a plantation of their own choice for a period of ten years. The period between 1670 and 1870 can be called the ‘classic era’ of the Dutch colonial presence in the Caribbean world. As a result of the wars in the wake of the French Revolution, the colonies of Berbice, Essequibo and Demarara were lost to the Dutch by treaty in 1814, after a long British occupation, to become British Guyana. A separate description of the government administration and justice can be consulted in Han Jordaan and Marijcke Schillings,‘Organisatie van bestuur en rechtspraak in de Nederlandse Caraïbische wereld’.

 The guide to archival sources covers collections in the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Curaçao, Suriname and Guyana, especially those that might contain information about slavery and multicultural relations(…)

The first release of this project is dated 1 August 2013. Questions or remarks? Please send them to Marijcke Schillings.

Memorias. Revista Digital de Historia y Arqueología desde el Caribe

Proyecto del Grupo de Investigación en Historia, Arqueología y Estudios Urbanos del Caribe Colombiano, el Laboratorio de Arqueología y el Departamento de Historia y Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad del Norte. Publicación semestral en acceso libre (pdf). Ultimo dossier publicado sobre formación de los estados nación e Independencia en el Caribe.

Manioc : bibliothèque numérique Caraïbe, Amazonie, plateau des Guyanes

Manioc est une bibliothèque numérique spécialisée sur la Caraïbe, l'Amazonie, le Plateau des Guyanes et les régions ou centres d'intérêt liés à ces territoires.
Vous y trouverez des documents textuels, sonores, iconographiques et des références concernant l'histoire culturelle, sociale, économique ou politique de ces pays.
Manioc apporte sa contribution à la valorisation du patrimoine et à la constitution de la mémoire de demain en mettant à disposition tant des ouvrages anciens restituant la pensée sociale d'une époque que des textes et travaux contemporains issus de la recherche universitaire.

The Public Archive | history beyond the headlines

Given the incredible loss of life as a result of the January 12, 2010 earthquake in the Republic of Haiti, it may appear frivolous to turn to history – but history, too, has been a casualty of this disaster. In the reporting on the earthquake and the relief operations, Haiti’s history has been contorted by cliché, smudged by misrepresentation, or not represented at all. The country and its citizens have been rendered history-less, and its historic significance in the region and the world made invisible.

Atlantic African Diaspora Research Guide « African Diaspora, Ph.D.

This research guide will provide students an introduction to the primary, secondary and reference material available on the study of the Atlantic African diaspora. It will also provide an introduction to the principal scholars, texts, schools, methodologies, and subjects of the field. It will finish with several considerations on the trajectory of the field of Atlantic African diaspora study

dLOC Home – Digital Library of the Caribbean

The Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC) is a cooperative digital library for resources from and about the Caribbean and circum-Caribbean. dLOC provides access to digitized versions of Caribbean cultural, historical and research materials currently held in archives, libraries, and private collections. For more information on eligibility requirements for partnership and conditions of membership in dLOC, please contact us or see our New Member Application (in .pdf format). The Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC) is issuing a call for partners in a new effort to ensure preservation of and increase access to newspapers in the Caribbean.

El Caribe en Tierra Firme

Desde principios del siglo XVII, por distintas razones de índole comercial, geográfica y climática, el desarrollo y la dinámica histórica de los asentamientos hispanos en la costa norte de América del Sur estuvo íntimamente ligado al de sus equivalentes británicos, galos, y flamencos en el Mar Caribe. Este hecho ha sido pasado por alto por la historiografía venezolano/venezolanista, la cual sigue dando prioridad a escalas analíticas que se enmarcan dentro de los límites espaciales nacionales o, a lo sumo, de los histórico-culturales del latino-americanismo. Página de Alejandro Gómez Pernia.

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