Ayotzinapa Investigations

Tribute to the Ayotzinapa 43+, original digital collages by Jan Nimmo.
National Security Archives


Ayotzinapa Investigations is a special page dedicated to the work of the National Security Archive and others in documenting and seeking justice for the 43 disappeared students of the Ayotzinapa Rural Teachers College. The National Security Archive advocates for the declassification of documentary evidence in fighting impunity amidst the unprecedented crisis of forced disappearances in Mexico. 

On the night of September 26 and in the early morning of September 27, 2014, a group of students was attacked by local police in the town of Iguala, Guerrero. The night left six people dead, dozens injured, and 43 students forcibly disappeared. The violence committed against the unarmed young men by the police in collusion with the drug cartel Guerreros Unidos sparked mass protests throughout the country. 

Then-President Enrique Peña Nieto opened an investigation that would prove deeply inadequate and ultimately fraudulent. Domestic and international criticism over the official investigation led the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights to sponsor a group of independent, international experts (GIEI) who arrived in Mexico in March of 2015 to work on the case. The GIEI’s efforts throughout 2015 and 2016 revealed the Mexican government’s falsification of records, destruction of evidence, and systematic use of torture against detainees and suspects throughout the official investigation (…)

Para seguir leyendo: https://nsarchive.gwu.edu/special-exhibit/ayotzinapa-investigations?eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=7f0ce6d9-9849-4210-854e-6e578c2a623f



Colombia Truth Commission Opens Doors

National Security Archive. Colombia Truth Commission Opens Doors, But Faces Significant Barriers to Access. Database of Declassified U.S. Records Provides Essential Evidence on Colombian Conflict.


November 29, 2018 – The formal launch today in Colombia of the Commission for the Clarification of the Truth, Coexistence and Non-Repetition(Truth Commission) is an important step forward in the country’s effort to consolidate peace, guarantee the rights of victims, and move forward after a long and brutal conflict that took hundreds of thousands of lives. To mark the occasion, the National Security Archive is posting 12 documents from a database of over 20,000 declassified records donated to the Truth Commission earlier this year as part of our commitment to supporting the Right to Truth and the rights of the victims of Colombia’s conflict.

Starting today, the 11-member Truth Commission has three years to complete a final report on more than 50 years of political violence and civil war. Among the chief goals of the Commission is to clarify grave violations of human rights and international humanitarian law and to delineate the collective responsibilities of the Colombian state, insurgent groups like the FARC, right-wing “paramilitary” groups, narcotraffickers, foreign governments, and third parties (“terceros”) such as multinational corporations.Unlike the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP), a separate tribunal established to prosecute the conflict’s worst abuses, the Truth Commission’s investigations are extrajudicial in nature. More than just a cataloging of bombings, kidnappings, assassinations and military confrontations, the Commission’s mandate is to investigate the causes and consequences of the conflict, to grapple with its complexity, to shine a light on the less-understood aspects of the violence, and to produce a comprehensive narrative on the conflict with a focus on victims (…) Continuar leyendo “Colombia Truth Commission Opens Doors”

Fifty Years After Tlatelolco, Censoring the Mexican Archives: Mexico’s “Dirty War” Files Withdrawn from Public Access

Washington D.C., October 2, 2018—Today marks the fiftieth anniversary of the notorious Tlatelolco massacre, when the Mexican government killed dozens of students and bystanders protesting the authoritarian regime in a public plaza at Tlatelolco, Mexico City. Across the country, citizens are commemorating the event with marches and rallies, conferences, exhibitions, and performances.

But even as Mexico acknowledges the legacy of the student movement of 1968 and grieves the long-ago slaughter of its young leaders, the Mexican government has quietly removed, censored, and reclassified thousands of previously accessible archives from that era. The General Archive of the Nation (AGN) defends its actions by citing a 2012 Archives Law and new, stricter requirements to protect personal privacy. But the results are heavy-handed to the point of absurdity, as even the most widely known and published records about Tlatelolco and other flashpoints of the dirty war have now been rendered illegible by censorship.

The AGN’s reclassification project is a retreat to Mexico’s old, tired reflexes of disinformation and denial when it comes to politically threatening histories. It reflects the determination of State power to limit or distort what people understand about the past. And it goes hand-in-hand with five decades of impunity for those who planned and executed the crackdown on student protesters in 1968 and injustice for their victims (…)


(…) Fox did make one decision that dramatically altered what we knew about Tlatelolco. In 2002, the president announced the opening of a special collection in the Mexican national archives dedicated to government records about the dirty war. The gesture was made in the spirit of the political transition that had brought him to power and in response to rising demands from civil society to confront past State repression. A powerful report issued by the National Human Rights Commissionshortly after Fox took office, documenting the forced disappearance of hundreds of Mexicans in the 1970s and early 1980s, was another catalyst.

The historical records ordered declassified by the president came from the political intelligence branch of the Interior Secretariat, the old domestic intelligence agency Dirección Federal de Seguridad(DFS), and the Secretariat of Defense (…)

(…) In the wake of the AGN’s newly restrictive access policies, scholars of Mexico’s dirty war are pushing back. On September 13, a group of academics and researchers held a press conference in Mexico City to announce the launch of an ambitious digitization project aimed at making accessible thousands of records about the 1968 student movement and the years of violent state repression that followed. The transnational collaboration – dubbed “Mexican Intelligence Digital Archives” (MIDAS) in English and Los Archivos del Autoritarismo Mexicanoin Spanish – is made possible by researchers who have spent years collecting and copying the dirty war files during the decade beforethey were withdrawn and re-classified (…)

Para seguir leyendo: https://nsarchive.gwu.edu/news/mexico/2018-10-02/fifty-years-after-tlatelolco-censoring-mexican-archives-mexicos-dirty-war-files-withdrawn-public

El atraso de la historia del tiempo presente en España

El atraso de la historia: El secretismo oficial mutila el conocimiento de episodios clave en España

El Ministerio de Defensa no cree prioritaria una desclasificación que prometió Carme Chacón – Por , La Vanguardia, 21/02/2018.

La historia de España no avanza. Los profesionales de su estudio y difusión llevan más de cinco años clamando contra sucesivos obstáculos a su acceso a papeles oficiales sobre episodios clave para el conocimiento del pasado –sobre todo, los acaecidos entre la Segunda República y el final de la transición– y la comprensión del presente. Según denuncian a La Vanguardia, el Gobierno mantiene bloqueadas dos iniciativas relevantes para acabar con un oscurantismo impropio de un país democrático: la desclasificación de los 10.000 documentos de Defensaque Carme Chacón prometió desvelar al términos de su etapa como ministra del ramo y, más recientemente, a través del PP y con ayuda de Ciudadanos, la reforma de la ley de Secretos Oficiales planteada por el PNV en noviembre del 2016.

Informes sobre “detención de extranjeros, censura, destierros, claves, cifrados” o nombres de “protegidos y agentes franceses” en la Guerra Civil; datos sobre “campos de trabajo, batallones de soldados trabajadores, arrestos, denuncias, deserciones, sospechos y sabotajes” antes de 1968, o notas acerca de “desembarcos alemanes, memorias de la defensa de Melilla y contabilidad del servicio secreto” con anterioridad a 1939 son algunos de los asuntos clasificados de interés histórico que, dentro de un listado de 41 materias, Chacón y sus asesores dejaron a punto de desclasificación al entender que “ya no suponen una afectación a la seguridad del Estado” y los motivos de su ocultación “hace tiempo que desaparecieron” (…)

Contribuciones de Angel Viñas, Carlos Sanz, y Matilde Eiroa.

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Estados Unidos entrega la prueba de que Pinochet ordenó el asesinato de Orlando Letelier

Desclasificados los últimos documentos sobre el asesinato en EE UU del canciller de Allende
Por Silvia Ayuso,
El País, 23/09/2016

Estados Unidos entregó este viernes a la presidenta chilena, Michelle Bachelet, los últimos documentos desclasificados que demuestran que el dictador Augusto Pinochet ordenó el asesinato en Washington del último canciller del derrocado gobierno de Salvador Allende, Orlando Letelier, hace 40 años.
El más interesante es el documento original de la CIA que afirma que Pinochet fue el que ordenó la creación de un comando que atentara contra Letelier, un político incómodo para la dictadura por sus constantes denuncias en Washington, aliado clave en esa época del dictador, de los crímenes cometidos por el régimen autoritario de Santiago.

“Una revisión de nuestros archivos sobre el asesinato de Letelier nos ha proporcionado lo que consideramos pruebas convincentes de que Pinochet ordenó a su jefe de inteligencia perpetrar el asesinato”, señala el informe de la CIA fechado el 1 de mayo de 1987, redactado durante el Gobierno de Ronald Reagan.

Que la mano de Pinochet estaba detrás del asesinato de Letelier era algo de lo que nadie duda desde hace tiempo. Ya el año pasado se desclasificó un primer paquete de documentos entre los que figura un memorando del entonces secretario de Estado, George Shultz, enviado en octubre de 1987 a Reagan. En él, Shultz cita ese informe de la CIA para responsabilizar a Pinochet. Pero faltaba —hasta hoy— el documento original, el “santo grial”, como lo ha denominado el investigador estadounidense Peter Kornbluh, responsable en buena parte de que EE UU haya desclasificado tantos documentos sobre la dictadura chilena (…)

Para seguir leyendo: http://internacional.elpais.com/internacional/2016/09/23/estados_unidos/1474658001_549935.html


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