Spanish Paleography Digital Teaching and Learning Tool

Dominican Studies Institute – The Spanish Paleography Digital Teaching and Learning Tool is an online interactive resource to assist users in the learning of the deciphering and reading of manuscripts written in Spanish during the early modern period, roughly from the late 15th to the 18th century.
This Tool presents digitized manuscripts, typed transcriptions and sample alphabets to help the user decipher and read the early-modern Spanish handwriting styles. In this section you will learn how to operate and use the Tool to your fullest advantage.
Besides this online learning Tool, there are printed manuals and monographs, as well as online resources, that you can consult to enrich your learning and knowledge of Spanish paleography. Here you will find a list of them and links to those online. (…)

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Spanish Paleography Digital Teaching and Learning Tool

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Frédérique Langue (11 de septiembre de 2013). Spanish Paleography Digital Teaching and Learning Tool. NUEVO MUNDO RADAR - La atalaya del Nuevo Mundo desde el tiempo presente. Recuperado 9 de septiembre de 2024 de

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